The International College of Medical Intuition, Inc.

The international College of Medical Intuition, Inc was established in 2002 and first taught through the University of British Columbia Continuing Education. Through mutual consideration it was decided to establish the College as a Private institution which it continues to remain to this day. We have experienced some wonderful growth and development which has created an even stronger passion to explore, develope and offer this innovative and unique training. It is nothing like a traditional model of education but allows for learning through personal development and exploration – possibly a useful platform for all learning. Intuition is an innate ability every human possesses that is not based in logic or rationale. It loses its ability when a structured or scientific approach is applied. It is just plain and simple common sense which is neither logical or applies a reductive approach. Intuition is found in the right brain alongside creativity, imagination and just fun! We encourage our students to have fun as they develope their intuition. Without students, future students, teachers, staff and dreams we would have not made this journey a reality! It takes following your dreams and seeing a vision which is not always clear in front of you but strong in your heart!

Please inquire about admissions now.

Thank you and Bless you all!

Dr. Marilyn Parkin

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the International College of Medical Intuition to bring awareness and create wellness through the integration of the mind, body and soul. This can be accomplished through the art of intuition which is an innate ability.

We all enter this world with an internal blueprint that can be accessed through our sixth sense of intuition. Tapping into that information allows us to live a full life experience meant just for us.

Wellness is a state of mind and it is important to learn that order can come from chaos through choices. Love is a choice and is the greatest energy of all.

“Learning to function with positive energy becomes a choice once we have the tools and awareness that Intuitive Healing promotes.”


1 Year Advanced Course

The International College of Medical Intuition offers an advanced one-year distance program on the various aspects to establish the goals required to incorporate a Medical Intuitive practice. Course curriculum includes medical intuition, basic energy psychology, medical ethics and business development.

The course contains 4 semesters but for ultimate learning experience the full course should be taken and must be taken in a consecutive order. Students must attend a 2-day virtual class session the beginning of each semester which is September, January, March and June. ICMI has become a distance education course with no travel involved. Students are carefully monitored and supported during the distance portion of the program to encourage full understanding of the field of study. Feedback and discussion is included at 2-week intervals and all students will receive a student review at the end of each semester. The information taught can work independently well for a person who already works in a field of an energy based modality or the healing arts. It is also a wonderful adjunct to any area of present work. Intuition is an innate ability and assists one in governing their specific direction in life.

Students learn to intuitively assess physical, emotional and energetic states of wellness with an aim of discovering originating causes of dysfunctions. Course policy promotes working towards an integrated health system and students are teamed to work with health care professionals (doctors) which is an optional portion of our course based on individual choice.

This is a groundbreaking discipline which provides the opportunity for a rich and rewarding career choice or to add to an already existing healing art. The level of efficacy of this therapy offers much in the way of professional and personal fulfillment. Qualified Intuitives are in demand making this an excellent choice for those who desire to make a difference by assisting others on their path to health and wellness.

Please understand this course is not traditional education but an art with commitment to the reality that each student learns at their own speed. We take pride in allowing the flow of development with love, encouragement and support. We will at times have a need to alter class schedules to meet and allow for the best learning experience we can offer at ICMI. The student/students will be informed should this alteration need to take place with written notice.

Certification in Medical Intuition is granted upon graduating this course.

Also medical intuition does not give a practitioner permission to apply any of the following:

  • Practice medicine in ANY form such as:
    • Advising a client to stop taking medications of any form
    • Advising a client to stop taking treatment of any form
    • Advising a client to stop seeing their health care team

Medical Intuition is part of a holistic approach where right brain sourcing can achieve potential origins of dysfunction in the body.


  • Interview with Dr. Parkin
  • Basic computer skills
  • Word processing capability on PC or Mac computer
  • Able to save documents
  • Able to send attachments
  • Ability to set up file system to save documents
  • Good writing and Language skills
  • Submission of a 500 word essay of desire to become a medical intuitive
  • BA or Equivalency as determined by Dr. Parkin:
    • Some post-secondary credits or certification in any field
    • Includes prior life experience
    • Nursing experience (BNA, RN, LPN, PRN)
    • Established business

    Medical Intuition for Doctors and Medical Professionals


    • Interview with Dr. Parkin
    • Basic computer skills
    • Word processing capability on PC or Mac computer
    • Able to save documents
    • Able to send attachments
    • Ability to set up file system to save documents
    • Good Writing and Language skills
    • Submission of a 500 word essay of desire to learn medical intuition

    Condensed form of learning specially designed for doctors to be completed in 3-months. This is a distance education program within class dates based on size of class (2-4 days). Certification in Medical Intuition is granted upon graduating this course.

    Inquire about our course intake dates.

    For further information please inquire with Dr. Parkin at or (604) 220-5027

    Limit of 10 students per course intake. Registration taking place now for both intakes.

    ICMI Certified Medical Intuitives

    The International College of Medical Intuition is proud to represent its graduates from this innovative program. The graduates offer their services through the web site which will entail a full and comprehensive Medical Intuitive report of approximately 6-8 pages which is followed by a 1-hour telephone conference call between the practitioner and the client to further explain the contents of the report and offer specific recommendations to obtain a successful path toward wellness.

    ICMI World Tour

    The International College of Medical Intuition (Canada) is accepting training invitations from around the world—please inquire now for September 2021.